
An opportunity to expand professionally!

Teach on Websabiz

Reach millions of enthusiastic people craving to learn through Websabiz. Teach what you are most passionate about and become a creative instructor-facilitator!

Creative Instructors

Contents generated by instructors for the contemporary learners

Learning is progressing

Learn for a lifetime and teach what you have learned

Teaching is your passion

Make your knowledge to remain in your students for lifetime


Join Websabiz community

Take part of the community of facilitators, instructors and teachers from all over the world!

Select a topic

¿What could I teach in Websabiz?

Any knowledge you master. We recommend joining our free courses on how to learn and teach online. We encourage you to focus on how to develop a learning culture to improving the performance of those people who work in different jobs and workplaces.

Select a topic to teach
  • Choose the topic you want to teach.
  • Plan the content scheme.
    Hundreds of enthusiastic people are waiting to learn from you!

Design your own content

¿How can I design my contents in Websabiz?
  • Use the Websabiz Course Editor.
  • With our content builder you only need to access one screen. It`s very intuitive, nevertheless, we invite you to attend our training webinars.
Follow the advises from other experts

In Websabiz you will find experts in generating content that motivates and excites. The platform follows the approaches of Instructional Designers and researchers in Learning and Development who use proven evidence about:

  • How to generate positive impacts on contemporary learners.
  • How learners can perform efficiently in their current and future jobs.

Connect with your students

Who could be my students?

Anyone who is interested in learning what you want to share is a potential student. Remember that we are all students, so you might also be attracted by some knowledge shared by other members of Websabiz.

Connect asynchronously and synchronously

Websabiz offers you several ways to connect with your students.

  • Asynchronously through the Questions and Answers and Discussion Groups sections.
    Grupos de Discusión.
  • Synchronously through Web Conferences that you can book taking into consideration the available dates on our activity calendar.

Be part of the passionate ones for the teaching and contribute with your experiences

Honor those who love to teach

Register a free account

and get access to exclusive contents for members

Since we started providing our services this is what some instructors say

What are our instructors saying?

Save time!

Organizing my courses with Websabiz means gaining peace of mind and time; I only take care of elaborating and assembling the contents. I leave the rest in the hands of the Websabiz team.
Marisela Cuevas
/ Marketing Consultant

Share your knowledge!

I have the opportunity to share my professional knowledge with everyone. Websabiz allows me to be an Instructor and a Student at the same time.
Keyla Mora
/ Economist

Valuing my efforts!

Creating content and monetizing it had always been a challenge for me. Websabiz makes it possible and values my effort fairly.
Ana Gutierrez
/ Teacher

Easy to design!

Websabiz has made it easy for me to design my course. I never thought it would be so simple. In fact, I am already preparing the next one.
Yéliz Hernández
/ Teacher, Msc.
Enjoy the presentations of the III Encounter of Teachers "Learning and Technology: towards a hyper-hybrid learning"

Inauguration of the JM Virtual Museum

Two days of presentations, conferences and cultural activities with artists, students and art teachers from all over the world


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